Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Pennies and Electricity

Do pennies conduct electricity? Well, all metals do, and the metals in pennies are no exception.  Copper is found in almost all US coins and is one of the best conductors of electricity. Silver and Gold conduct electricity just as well, so if you've got a Silver or Gold coin, electricity will easily pass through them.  The Zinc in pennies and Nickel in other coins conduct electricity too, but not nearly as well as the Copper.  The worst conductor in any US coin is the Manganese which is about 3.5% of the Dollar coin. So out of all the US coins, the newer mostly-Zinc penny is probably the worst conductor, but since all of the Copper is in the outside coating of the penny, there is less resistance than you might think.  In the other coins, the copper makes up the core, and is not present in the outer coating.  There is your chemistry lesson for the day. Now don't go out and stick your pennies in a light socket or anything like that.


  1. thanks for the info I rely need it for my science project.

  2. are you sure your name is penny info???

  3. Thanks i needed to reach the - botyon with metal

  4. if I don't stick a penny in an electrical socket how will i know if it works or not?

  5. asnsam sa m,x ,as ,zX.,MSMKZKMZ

  6. This really helps me with my 6th grade science fair thank you

  7. This really helped with myh science thx.
